Labs Overview
Welcome to the App Platform for LKE labs! If you are going to use the App Platform for LKE or like to learn Kubernetes, these labs are for you. Step by step we'll guide you in how to build, deploy, secure and observe containerized applications on Kubernetes. The labs cover the most common activities performed by developer- and/or DevOps teams.
Make sure everything is ready to get started
Provision a LKE Kubernetes cluster and install the App Platform
Lab prerequisites
Create code repositories and build/push images
Create private Git repositories
Build images
Trigger builds
Push images to Harbor
Create workloads
Create Sealed secrets
Create Kubernetes resources with Argo CD
Use the Catalog
Create a workload using the developer catalog
Configure the auto image updater
Create Projects
Create a PostgreSQL database
Expose workloads
Publicly expose workloads
Secure workloads
Scan images for vulnerabilities
Scan running containers for vulnerabilities
Monitor and debug workloads
View container logs
View container metrics
Using custom metrics
Monitoring availability of Services
Advanced Labs