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Install Akamai App Platform on LKE with DNS

Provision a LKE cluster in Cloud Manager or by using the Linode CLI and manually install the App Platform onto it by using a Linode Domain for DNS.


  • Create an account for Linode here

Provision a LKE cluster

Using Cloud Manager

Provision a LKE cluster with the following specs:

  • Fill in the Cluster Label

  • Use Kubernetes version: 1.31 or 1.32

  • Enable HA Control Plane

  • Add Node Pools. Select the Dedicated 8 GB Plan (with 8 GB RAM and 4 CPUs)

  • Wait until the nodes are in a Running state

  • Download the kubeconfig

# Update the KUBECONFIG env to gain access to the cluster
export KUBECONFIG=<path-to-downloads>/$CLUSTER_NAME-kubeconfig.yaml

Using Linode CLI

Install and configure the CLI.

Provision a LKE cluster using the Linode CLI:

linode-cli lke cluster-create \
--label $CLUSTER_NAME \
--region $REGION \
--k8s_version 1.32 \
--control_plane.high_availability true \
--node_pools.type g6-dedicated-8 \
--node_pools.count 3

And get the Kubecfg:

linode-cli get-kubeconfig --label $CLUSTER_NAME
kubectl config use-context lke<cluster_id>-ctx

Create a Domain

If you want to learn about how to use Linode DNS Manager read the following tutorial: Get started with DNS Manager.

When you create a domain in Linode, make sure to set the TTL of the SOA Record to 30 seconds:

  1. Click on your domain.

  2. Click on the tree dots on the right of the SOA Record and click edit.

  3. Change the default TTL to 30 seconds.

  4. Click Save.

Creating a Personal Access Token

Create a new Personal Access Token with Read/Write access for Domains:

  1. Go to your profile on the top right.

  2. Click on API Tokens.

  3. Click on Create A Personal Access Token.

  4. Add a Label.

  5. Select the desired Expiry.

  6. Select No Access for all.

  7. Select Read/Write for Domains.

  8. Click Create Token.

  9. Copy your Personal Access Token.

  10. Set environment variable for the token:


Create the values.yaml file

tee values.yaml<<EOF
provider: linode
domainSuffix: <your-domain>
hasExternalDNS: true
- <your-domain>
issuer: letsencrypt
stage: production
email: admin@<your-domain>

Adjust the domainSuffix, domainFilters and email!


You can also use a different DNS provider. See here for examples on how to use Akamai EdgeDNS, AWS Route53, Cloudflare DNS and many others.

Install the App Platform

Install using Helm:

helm repo add apl
helm repo update
helm install -f values.yaml apl apl/apl

Monitor the logs of the installer job:

kubectl logs jobs/apl -n default -f

When the installer is finished, copy the url and admin-password from the console output.

Follow the post installation steps here.


Like to learn how to use App Platform for LKE? Go through the Get Started labs

Known issues

During install Pods get stuck in a Pending state

During the installation, multiple StatefullSets are created that require a PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC). Each PVC is attached to a Volume in Linode. Volumes count towards the account limits. If you see Pods in a Pending state, it might be that your're hitting the account limit.

What to do:

  • Delete unused resources in your Linode account (like unused Volumes).

  • Create a support ticket and request to increase your account limit.