Push images to Harbor
For this lab, Harbor needs to be activated and the cluster needs to be configured with trusted certificates (like Let's Encrypt using production certificate).
Login to Harbor
To be able to push images to Harbor, you'll need a robot account with push permissions. APL offers teams with a self-service option to download the Docker config for their team's private registry in Harbor. In the left menu you will see the option Download DOCKERCFG
. Click on it to download the credentials.
When you have downloaded the docker config then run docker login
docker login -u 'otomi-team-<team-name>-push' -p <token> harbor.<your-domain>
Build and tag your image:
docker build -t harbor.<your-domain>/<team-name>/<image-name>:<tag> .
Push the image to Harbor:
docker push harbor.<your-domain>/<team-name>/<image-name>:<tag>