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Create Workloads

In the previous lab we deployed a workload using Argo CD with a BYO manifest and we explored the Catalog. In this lab we'll create a Workload (a Kubernetes Deployment) using the Catalog and the Workload self-service feature.

Create a Workload using the Catalog

Before creating a Workload from the Catalog, we'll need the repository and tag of the image to use. Go to the list of Builds and add the repository of the blue build to your clipboard. Remember that the tag is latest.

You can create a workload from the developer catalog:

  1. Go to Catalog in the left menu and click on the Quickstart-K8s-Deploymenttemplate.

  2. Click on Values.

  3. Add the Name blue.

  4. Leave the Auto image updater to Disabled.

  5. In the workload values, change the following parameters:

repository: <paste from clipboard>
tag: latest


  1. Click Submit.

All the needed Argo CD resources to deploy your workload will now be created.

  1. Click on Workloads in the left menu. You will now see a list of all Workloads and their status:


  1. In the workloads list, click on the Application link of your workload to see the status of your workload in Argo CD:


The values of a workload can be changed at any time. Changes will automatically be synchronized.