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View container metrics


Prometheus and Grafana for the Team need to be activated for this lab.

When your application is deployed, you would of course like to be able to see container metrics for debugging purposes. Prometheus is used in APL for collecting metrics. When Prometheus is enabled on the platform level and Grafana is enabled for the Team, general container metrics (provided by the Platform prometheus) can be used in Grafana dashboards.

View dashboards

  • Open the Grafana app in your team apps:


  • Grafana will open the Dashboards page:


The dashboards are dynamically added based on the enabled platform capabilities:

DashboardWhen added
Kubernetes / DeploymentWhen Prometheus on the platform level is enabled
Kubernetes / PodsWhen Prometheus on the platform level is enabled
Team statusWhen Prometheus on the platform level is enabled
Container scan resultsWhen Trivy Operator on the platform level is enabled
Detected threads in containersWhen Falco on the platform level is enabled

View container metrics

  • Click on the Kubernetes / Pods dashboard.

  • Select the required Pod and Container.