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Post installation steps

Follow the post-installation steps after initial installation.

Step 1: Get the log output of the installer job

When the installer job (in the default namespace) has finished, copy the URL and use the generated password from the bottom of the logs, sign in to the APL Console.

Use the following command to get the logs of the installer job:

kubectl logs jobs/apl -n default -f

Step 2 (optional): Add the auto generated CA to your keychain

When APL is installed without DNS, APL automatically generates a CA. The generated CA is not trusted on your local machine. Here are some options to prevent you from clicking away lots of security warning in your browser:

  1. In the left menu of the console, click on "Download CA"
  2. Double click the downloaded CA.crt or add the CA to your keychain on Mac using the following command:
sudo security add-trusted-cert -d -r trustRoot -k /Library/Keychains/System.keychain ~/Downloads/ca.crt

On Windows, use PowerShell (running as Administrator) with the Certutil:

certutil.exe -addstore root <downloaded cert path>


Import-Certificate -FilePath "<downloaded cert path>" -CertStoreLocation Cert:\LocalMachine\Root
# Restart the browser

But you could also run Chrome in insecure mode:

alias chrome-insecure='/Applications/Google\\ Chrome --ignore-certificate-errors --ignore-urlfetcher-cert-requests &> /dev/null'

Step 3 (Optional): Create a new admin user


We strongly advise to not use the default otomi-admin account after activation and to not change the password. Store it somewhere safe and only use it in case absolutely required.

Create a new user account in Keycloak and add the new user to the otomi-admin and team-admin group:

To create users in Keycloak, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Keycloak app

  2. Click on Administration Console.

  3. Login with admin credentials (using otomi-admin user and password provided in the installer log or the otomi.adminPassword provided in the initial values).

  4. Select the Otomi realm.

  5. Click on Users then Add user.

  6. Fill in a user name in the Username field.

  7. Fill in your email address in the Email field.

  8. Select Email verified.

  9. Click Join Groups.

  10. Add the user to the required group (otomi-admin).

  11. Click Create.

  12. Choose the Credentials tab and then Set password.

  13. Fill in a password.

  14. Optional: Make the password Temporary. This requires the user to change the password at the first login.

  15. Click on "Save".

  16. Click Save password.

Step 4 (Optional): Add the URL of the Kubernetes API


Adding the URL of the K8s cluster API is required by teams to be able to download the KUBECONFIG

  1. Under Platform in APL Console, click on Settings.

  2. Click on Cluster.

  3. Add the full URL of the API server.

  4. Click on Submit.

  5. Click on Deploy Changes.

Step 5 (Optional): Configure Object Storage

If you're planning on activating apps that can use Object Storage (like Loki, Harbor, Tempo, Velero), then first configure Object Storage. Check the table in Step 6 to see which App requires Object Storage configured.


Velero requires Object Storage!


Creating Database backups requires Object Storage!

  1. Under Platform in APL Console, click on Settings.

  2. Click on Object Storage.

  3. Select Minio Local or Linode.

When Minio is selected (only for development), Minio App is enabled and all required buckets are automatically provisioned. When Linode is selected, create the buckets for the apps you are planning to use and fill in the region and the Access Key ID and Secret Access Key (with read/write access).

  1. Click on Submit.

  2. Click on Deploy Changes.

Step 6 (Optional): Add a Linode Personal Access Token to backup Persistent Volumes (Linode only)

To use the self-service feature to create backups of Persistent Volumes in Linode, first create a new Personal Access Token with Read/Write access for Volumes:

  1. Go to your profile on the top right.

  2. Click on API Tokens.

  3. Click on Create A Personal Access Token.

  4. Add a Label.

  5. Select the desired Expiry.

  6. Select No Access for all.

  7. Select Read/Write for Volumes.

  8. Click Create Token.

  9. Copy your Personal Access Token.

Then Add the Token to APL:

  1. Sign in to the APL Console as an admin.

  2. In the left menu, click on Settings.

  3. Click on Backup.

  4. Add the API Token in the Backup persistent volumes section.

When Object Storage is configured and an API Token is added, then activate the Velero App. You can now use the Backup self-service feature in APL to create backup schedules to backup Persistent Volumes.

Step 7 (Optional): Activate more Apps

APL is a composable platform. Activate more Apps based on the required platform capabilities:

CapabilityAppObject storage
Log aggregationLoki and GrafanaOptional
Metric collectionPrometheus and GrafanaNo
Send AlertsPrometheus and Alert managerNo
TracingTempo, OTEL, Loki and GrafanaRequired
Build images from source codeHarborOptional
Scan running containers for vulnerabilitiesTrivyNo
Enforce security policiesKyvernoNo
Database backupsCloudnativePGRequired

Step 8: Create Teams

Create your first team. Follow the instructions here.

Step 9: Create users and add them to a Team

Create users in Keycloak and add the users to a Team Group in Keycloak:

  1. Open the Keycloak app

  2. Click on Administration Console.

  3. Login with admin credentials (using otomi-admin user and password provided in the installer log or the otomi.adminPassword provided in the initial values).

  4. Select the Otomi realm.

  5. Click on Users then Add user.

  6. Fill in a user name in the Username field.

  7. Fill in your email address in the Email field.

  8. Select Email verified.

  9. Click Join Groups.

  10. Add the user to the required Team group (team-<team-name>).

  11. Click Create.

  12. Choose the Credentials tab and then Set password.

  13. Fill in a password.

  14. Optional: Make te password Temporary. This requires the user to change the password at the first login.

  15. Click on "Save".

  16. Click Save password.