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APL Console

APL Console is the web UI of APL and offers access to all integrated apps and self-service tasks.

APL Console has a topbar showing a View and a Team selector. The View selector allows to switch between the Platform and the Team view.

Platform View

The Platform View provides access to:

  • Dashboard: A global overview of cluster resource utilization and cluster resource request commitments.
  • Apps: All active and inactive apps. Activate apps clicking on the power-on button.
  • Teams: A list of all Teams.
  • Projects: A list of all Projects.
  • Builds: A list of all Builds.
  • Workloads: A list of all Workloads.
  • Network Policies: A list of all Network Policies.
  • Services: A list of all Services.
  • Backups: A list of all Backups.
  • Maintenance: Maintenance actions.
  • Settings: Specific configuration of the platform.

Team View

The Team View gives access to:

  • Dashboard: An overview of Team Pod status, resource utilization and vulnerabilities.
  • Apps: All the apps available to the team on this platform.
  • Catalog: The Helm charts available for the Team in the Catalog.
  • Projects: A list of all Projects created by the team.
  • Builds: A list of all Builds created by the team.
  • Sealed Secrets: A list of all Sealed Secrets created by the Team.
  • Workloads: A list of all Workloads created by the Team.
  • Network Policies: A list of all Network Policies created by the team.
  • Services: A list of all team services.
  • Security Policies: A list of all Security Policies applicable to the Team.
  • Settings: Specific Team configuration options.
  • Shell: Access to the cloud Shell within the context of the Team.

The Team section also provided the following download links:

  • A "Download KUBECFG" link to download a KUBECONFIG file that gives access to the namespace of the team selected. Admins can download one with cluster-admin permissions (giving access to all namespaces) by setting the team selector to '-'. You can use it like export KUBECONFIG=$file_location or by merging it with another KUBECONFIG file like .kube/config. Please visit the official Kubernetes documentation about managing kube contexts.
  • When Harbor is enabled, a link to download the Dockercfg file.
  • When APL uses an automatic generated CA or Let's Encrypt staging certificates, a "Download CA" link is provided.