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Create projects

A Project is a collection consisting of a Build, a Workload and a Service. The benefit of using Projects is that you can create a Build, a Workload and a Service in one run. Projects are ideal for developers to run multiple code branches next to each other and automatically update the deployment based on a push. In this lab we are going to create a Project and see how everything now comes together is one simple form.

Create a new Git repository

  1. Create a new repo called nodejs-helloworld in Gitea.

  2. Set the Default Branch to master.

  3. Clone the Hello World Sample Application:

git clone
cd apl-nodejs-helloworld
  1. Mirror the Hello World Sample Application to your nodejs-helloworld repo:
git push --mirror https://gitea.<your-domain>/<your-user-name>/nodejs-helloworld.git

Create a Project

  1. Go to Project and click Create Project.

  2. Fill in a name for the Project. This name is used for the Build (the name of the image) and the Workload. The Service will automatically select the ClusterIP service name based on the Workload name.

  3. Click Create build from source.

  4. Click Next.

  5. Choose Docker and fill in the repository URL of the nodejs-helloworld repository.

  6. Enable Trigger.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Select the Digest strategy for the Auto image updater.

  9. The imageRepository is already filled in. Make sure the tag is identical to the tag used for the Build.

  10. Use the default Chart values.

  11. Click Next.

  12. Under Exposure select External.

  13. Click Submit.

Get the webhook URL

Before we can configure the webhook for the nodejs-helloworld repo in Gitea, we will need the webhook URL. You can find this webhook URL for your build in the list of Builds. Add the webhook URL to your clipboard.

Also notice that the status of the Build shows an exclamation mark. This is because the Tekton Pipeline is created, but the PipelineRun is not yet created because it was not triggered yet.

Create a Webhook

  1. In the Console, click on apps the left menu and then open Gitea.

  2. In the top left menu of Gitea, click on Explore and then on the nodejs-helloworld repo.

  3. Go to Settings (top right) and then to Webhooks.

  4. Click Add Webhook and select Gitea.

  5. In the Target URL, paste the webhook URL from your clipboard.

  6. Click Add Webhook.

Trigger the build

You can now trigger the Build by doing a commit in the nodejs-helloworld repo, or by testing the webhook. Let's test the webhook:

  1. In Gitea, go to the Settings (top right) of the nodejs-helloworld repo and then to Webhooks.

  2. Click on the webhook we just created.

  3. In the bottom, click on Test Delivery.

Check the status of the Workload

Go to Workloads and click on the Argo CD application link of the Workload created by the Project. What do you see? The Argo CD application is still in a Degraded state because the image build has not completed yet. When the build in finished and the image can be pulled, the status of the application will automatically become Healthy.

Check the status of the Service

When the state of the Workload becomes Healthy, the URL of the Service created by the Project will show the following page:

Hello World

Change the code and push the commit

  1. Go to the hello-world repository.

  2. Edit the package.json and set the Version to 1.4.0.

  3. Commit the changes.

Check the URL again. After a couple of minutes you will see the following page:

Hello World