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Use Azure Entra ID

The authentication of brokered identities through Azure Entra ID (formerly Azure Active Directory) requires a service principal with certain API permissions. An app registration needs to be created with the following API permissions:

API / Permission nameTypeDescription
Microsoft Graph / emailDelegatedView users' email address
Microsoft Graph / openidDelegatedSign users in
Microsoft Graph / profileDelegatedView users' basic profile
Microsoft Graph / User.ReadDelegatedSign in and read user profile

And the following token configurations:

ClaimDescriptionToken typeOptional settings
family_nameProvides the last name, surename, or family nameID-
given_nameProvides the first or "give" name of the userID-
groupsOptional formatting for group claimsID, Access, SAMLDefault
upnAn identifier for the user that can be used ...IDDefault

Note that the group type should be set to 'security groups'.

At the 'Authentication' tab you should be able to set the following callback URL§s and enable that both "Access tokens" and "ID tokens" are issued and public client flows are allowed:

  • https://keycloak.<dns-zone-name>/realms/master/broker/otomi-idp/endpoint
  • https://keycloak.<dns-zone-name>

To install APL with Azure Entra ID as an IdP instead of (default) using Keycloak as an IdP, use the following values:

clientID: ""
clientSecret: ""
issuer: ""
# IDP group id used to identify global admin
adminGroupID: ""
# IDP group id used to identify team admin
teamAdminGroupID: ""

otomi-idp is the default KeyCloak alias (shown as login title). To use another alias, add the following to the chart values:

alias: <your-alias>