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Use team-admin

By default a team called team-admin is created. The Admin Team is no regular team. This team for instance has no apps. Instead the admin needs to use the platform apps to see logs and metrics of workloads deployed in the team-admin namespace.

The Admin Team can be used by admins to:

  • Deploy workloads in any namespace
  • Configure ingress for any service in any namespace

This makes it possible for admin to add any kind of tool to the platform and use the Services self-service feature to expose the UI of the tool and configure SSO.

Create workloads in any namespace

To create workloads in a custom namespace (namespaces not owned by teams), first create a namespace with label istio-injection: enabled:

kubectl create namespace my-namespace
kubectl label namespace my-namespace istio-injection=enabled

You can now create a workload to deploy Helm charts to this new namespace. In this example we'll use the deployment chart in the otomi-charts repo. In the left menu, under team-admin click Workloads and then click Create Workload.

  1. Enter a name for the workload:
  1. Enter the URL to the Git repo containing the Helm Chart or a Helm repository:
  1. Enter the path of the chart:
  1. Enter the revision. In case of using a Git repo, this can be commit, tag, or branch. If omitted, will equal to HEAD. In case of using a Chart repository, this is a semver tag for the Chart's version

  2. Enter the name of the namespace where the workload will be deployed:

  1. Click Submit.

After submitting the new workload specs, the values editor will be shown. Here you can edit the chart values.

  1. Click on Edit.

  2. Add the following (minimal) values:

fullnameOverride: hello-deploy
repository: otomi/nodejs-helloworld
tag: v1.2.13
  1. Click on Submit.

Publicly expose a service deployed in any namespace

The Services in team-admin can be used to publicly expose services deployed in any namespace. The only requirement is that the namespace has the label istio-injection: enabled.

Let's now configure public exposure for the workload we deployed in the namespace my-namespace:

  1. In the left menu panel under click Services then click on Create Service.

  2. Fill in the name of the Kubernetes service (hello-deploy) that you already deployed.

  3. Fill in the namespace where the service is deployed (my-namespace in this example).

  4. Fill in the port of the service (8080 in this case).

  5. Under Exposure Ingress, select External.

  6. Turn off Use team domain and fill in the name of the service as the hostname (hello-deploy in this example).

  7. Click on Submit.

Your service and URL will now show up in the list of Services.