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Managing the Catalog

APL offers a Catalog to Teams on the platform to offer them golden path templates (Helm charts). This is how it works:

  • Add a Helm chart to the otomi/charts repo in the local Gitea.

  • Configure which Teams can use the chart.

  • Teams can create Workloads from the Catalog.

After APL is installed, the catalog (the otomi/charts repo) will contain a set of quick start Helm charts. The APL provided Helm charts are not mandatory to use and can be removed or modified to your own liking. They are only provided to make it easier to get started.

Quick start Helm charts

The Catalog contains a set of Helm charts that can be used as quick starts. The following quick starts are available:


The quickstart-k8s-deployment Helm chart can be used to create a Kubernetes Deployment (to deploy a single image), a Service and a ServiceAccount. Optionally a HorizontalPodAutoscaler, a Prometheus ServiceMonitor and a Configmap can be created.


The quickstart-k8s-deployment-otel Helm chart can be used to create a Kubernetes Deployment (to deploy a single image), a Service, a ServiceAccount, an OpenTelemetryCollector and an Instrumentation. Optionally a HorizontalPodAutoscaler, a Prometheus ServiceMonitor and a Configmap can be created.


The quickstart-k8s-deployments-canary Helm chart can be used to create 2 Kubernetes Deployments (to deploy 2 versions of an image), a Service and a ServiceAccount. Optionally a HorizontalPodAutoscaler, a Prometheus ServiceMonitor and a Configmap (for each version) can be created.


The quickstart-knative-service Helm chart can be used to create a Knative Service (to deploy a single image), a Service and a ServiceAccount. Optionally a Prometheus ServiceMonitor can be created.

APL quick start for creating a PostgreSQL cluster

The quickstart-postgresql Helm chart can be used to create a cloudnativepg PostgreSQL Cluster. Optionally a Prometheus PodMonitor and a Configmap (for adding a postgresql dashboard to Grafana) can be created.

APL quick start for creating a Redis master-replica cluster

The quickstart-redis Helm chart can be used to create a Redis master-replica cluster.

Customize the catalog

The APL provided charts are not mandetory to use and can be removed or modified to your own liking. They are only provided to make it easier to get started. To manage the catalog, just pull the otomi/charts repo, add the Helm charts you would like to make available and push changes. A newly added chart will immediately become available in the catalog for Teams to use.

Configure chart access

For charts to become available for Teams to use, Teams need to be given access to use a chart. The catalog supports the following access options:


If a chart can be used by all teams, including the team-admin Team, add the following to the rbac.yaml in the root of the otomi/charts repository:

chart-name: null

Specific teams

If a chart is only allowed to be used by one or more specific teams, add the following to the rbac.yaml:

- team-demo
- team-hello

To allow a chart to be used by the team-admin only, add the following to the rbac.yaml:

- team-admin