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Change the otomi-admin password

This how to provides step-by-step instructions to reset the otomi-admin password.


  1. Access to the Keycloak admin console.

  2. Docker installed and configured.

  3. SOPS set up with Age encryption (default in LKE).


Step 1: Generate a New Password

    # Generate a random 16-character alphanumeric password
head /dev/urandom | LC_ALL=C tr -dc A-Za-z0-9 | head -c 16
# Example output: FPpLvZyAdAmuzc3N

Step 2: Update the Password in Keycloak

  1. Log in to Keycloak as the otomi-admin user.

  2. Go to Users in the left-hand sidebar and find the otomi-admin user.

  3. Navigate to the Credentials tab.

  4. Change the password to the one you generated.

  5. Save changes (set Temporary to Disabled).


Don’t make any other changes during this operation.

Step 3: Update the Password in Otomi’s Values Repository

  1. Clone the Otomi values repository if you haven't already:
git clone https://gitea.<cluster.domainSuffix>/otomi/values.git ~/workspace/values-folder
  1. Export ENV_DIR to point to your values directory:
export ENV_DIR=~/workspace/values-folder
  1. Create the .secrets file:
  • Retrieve the SOPS_AGE_KEY from secret:
kubectl get secret otomi-sops-secrets -n otomi-pipelines -o jsonpath='{.data.SOPS_AGE_KEY}' | base64 -d

Example output:

  • Create the .secrets file in the root of the values directory with the SOPS_AGE_KEY secret. The file contents should look like this:
  1. Decrypt the secrets in your values repository by running:
docker run -it -v $ENV_DIR:/home/app/stack/env linode/apl-core binzx/otomi decrypt
  1. Open the env/secrets.settings.yaml.dec file.

  2. Update the otomi-admin password:

adminPassword: <YOUR_NEW_PASSWORD>

Step 4: Re-encrypt the Secrets

  1. Encrypt the .dec file to secure the updated password:
docker run -it -v $ENV_DIR:/home/app/stack/env linode/apl-core binzx/otomi encrypt
  1. Commit and push your changes to the values repository:
cd ~/workspace/values-folder
git add .
git commit -m "Update otomi-admin password"
git push

Step 5: Apply the Changes

  1. Allow the Tekton pipeline to run and verify it passes.

  2. After the pipeline completes, restart the otomi-api and apl-keycloak-operator to ensure it applies the new credentials.

    kubectl rollout restart deployment -n otomi otomi-api
    kubectl rollout restart deployment -n apl-keycloak-operator apl-keycloak-operator
  3. Verify that the Otomi platform is working as expected with the new credentials.

This completes the password reset process for otomi-admin.