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Platform settings



To create backups, Object Storage needs to be enabled.

The Backup section provides the option to enable automatic backups of APL application databases and add a Linode API Token for Velero to make backups of Persistent Volumes.

Database Backups

Select to backup the database of the app.

EnabledSelect to enable the backup of Otomi platform services
TTL After FinishedExpiration of the backup.
ScheduleCron-type expression to schedule the backup. Defaults to once a day at 00:00.

Persistent Volume Backups


To use Velero to create backups of Persistent Volumes, Object Storage needs to be enabled.

To use Velero to create backups of Persistent Volumes in Linode:

  1. Create a Linode API Token in Linode.

  2. Fill in the token and submit changes.

  3. Go to the apps section in the left menu and enable Velero.