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Platform - Backups


To enable this feature, first make sure Velero is activated and a Linode API Token is added to the Backup section in the Settings.


The Backup self-service feature is only supported on Linode!


Backups of Team PVs can only be created by platform administrators. The back-up self service feature is not available for Teams.

When Velero is activated, platform admins can create backups of Persistent Volumes (PVs) in Team namespaces using the Console. When creating backups using the Console, a Velero schedule resource is created that will create the backup at a specified time, defined by a Cron expression.

All known Backups on the platform are listed here. Backups can be sorted based on:

NameThe name of the backup
ScheduleWhen the backup is scheduled to run
TeamThe name of the Team responsible for the backup

Create a backup

  1. Select the Team name in the top bar to set the context to the namespace that contains the PV to backup

  2. Enter a name for the backup

  3. Add the schedule of the backup. The schedule is a cron-type expression to schedule the backup. Defaults to once a day at 00:00. Create your cron-type expression here.

  4. (optional) Select Snapshot Volumes to snapshot volumes.


Snapshots are currently not supported on Linode.

  1. Add a label selector. Make sure your workload has the correct labels.

  2. (optional) Change the default TTL (expiration of the backup). Defaults to 7 days.

  3. Click Submit.