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Team Builds

A Build is a self-service feature for building OCI compliant images based on application source code and store the image in a private Team registry in Harbor.


Ask your platform administrator to activate the Harbor App to use this feature.

Builds (all)

All Builds of the team are listed here.

Team builds

NameThe name of the build
TypeType of the build. buildpacks or docker
Webhook urlThe copy to clipboard webhook URL if a trigger is configured for the build
TektonLink to the `PipelineRun`` of the build in the Tekton dashboard
RepositoryThe copy to clipboard repository name of the image
TagThe tag of the image
StatusThe status of the Build. If the Build has failed. click on the Tekton link to see more details

Create a build

  1. Enter a name for the build

The name of the build will be used for the registry name of the image (harbor.<domainSuffix>/team-name/build-name)

  1. (optional) Adjust the tag

The tag will be used to tag the image (harbor.<domainSuffix>/team-name/build-name:tag)

Now choose the type of the build:

  • Use Docker to build an image using the ./Dockerfile in your code repository
  • Use Buildpacks to build an image from application source using Buildpacks


  1. Add the URL of the repository that contains the application source code.

  2. (optional) Change the path of the Dockerfile. Default is ./Dockerfile. To use a Dockerfile is a specific folder, use ./folder/Dockerfile.

  3. (optional) Change the revision. This can be a commit, a tag, or a branch.

  4. (Optional) Select External Repo if the repository used for the Build is not a public or a private Git repo in the local Gitea. When selected, fill in the secret name that contains the required SSH credentials. Read more here about how to setup SSH authentication with your Git provider.

  5. (optional) Select to create an event listener to trigger the build based on a Gitea webhook.


  1. Add the URL of the Git repository that contains the application source code.

  2. (optional) Add the path. This is a subpath within the repo where the source to build is located.

  3. (optional) Change the revision. This can be a commit, a tag, or a branch.

  4. (optional) Add Environment variables to set during build-time.

  5. (Optional) Select External Repo if the repository used for the Build is not a public or a private Git repo in the local Gitea. When selected, fill in the secret name that contains the required SSH credentials. Read more here about how to setup SSH authentication with your Git provider.

  6. (optional) Select to create an event listener to trigger the build based on a Gitea webhook.

Build status details

To see the more status details of the build, click on the PipelineRun link of the build in the list of builds. If a trigger is configured, the link will show all PipelineRuns.

Configure a webhook for the Git repo in Gitea

  1. In the Console, click on Apps in the left menu and then open Gitea.

  2. In the top left menu of Gitea, click on Explore and then on the green repo.

  3. Go to Settings (top right) and then to Webhooks.

  4. Click Add Webhook and select Gitea.

  5. In the Target URL, paste the webhook URL from your clipboard.

  6. Click Add Webhook.

Expose the trigger listener publicly

When using an external (private) Git repository, the trigger event listener that is created can also be exposed publicly. To expose the event listener publicly:

  1. Go to Services.

  2. Click create new service.

  3. Select the el-gitea-webhook-<build-name> internal service.

  4. Under Exposure, select External.

  5. Click Submit.

Restart a build

To restart a build:

  • Start a shell in the console
  • run the following command:
tkn pipelineruns list
tkn pipelinerun logs <pipelinerun-name> -f

Build can be restarted by changing the tag of the build or by restarting the pipeline manually:

  • Start/open a shell in the console
  • run the following command:
tkn pipelines list
tkn pipeline start <pipeline-name> --use-pipelinerun <pipelinerun-name>