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About the Catalog quick starts

The Catalog is a library of curated Helm charts to create Kubernetes resources. By default the Catalog contains a set of Helm charts provided to get started quickly, but they can also be modified depending on your requirements or be removed from the Catalog.

The contents of the Catalog and the RBAC configuration (which Team can use which Helm chart) are managed by the platform administrator. Contact the platform administrator if you would like to add your own charts to use within your Team.

The Catalog contains a set of Helm charts that can be used as quick starts. The following quick starts are available:

Kubernetes Deployment

The k8s-deployment Helm chart can be used to create a Kubernetes Deployment (to deploy a single image), a Service and a ServiceAccount. Optionally a HorizontalPodAutoscaler, a Prometheus ServiceMonitor and a Configmap can be created.

Kubernetes Deployment with Open Telemetry Instrumentation

The k8s-deployment-otel Helm chart can be used to create a Kubernetes Deployment (to deploy a single image), a Service, a ServiceAccount and an Instrumentation resource. Optionally a HorizontalPodAutoscaler, a Prometheus ServiceMonitor and a Configmap can be created.

Kubernetes Canary Deployments

The k8s-deployments-canary Helm chart can be used to create 2 Kubernetes Deployments (to deploy 2 versions of an image), a Service and a ServiceAccount resource. Optionally a HorizontalPodAutoscaler, a Prometheus ServiceMonitor and a Configmap (for each version) can be created.


The knative-service Helm chart can be used to create a Knative Service (to deploy a single image), a Service and a ServiceAccount. Optionally a Prometheus ServiceMonitor can be created.

PostgreSQL cluster

The postgresql-cluster Helm chart can be used to create a cloudnativepg PostgreSQL Cluster. Optionally a Prometheus PodMonitor and a Configmap (for adding a postgresql dashboard to Grafana) can be created.

Redis master-replica cluster

The redis-cluster Helm chart can be used to create a Redis master-replica cluster.

RabbitMQ Cluster and/or Queues

The rabbitmq-cluster Helm chart can be used to create a RabbitmqCluster, queues and Policys

Using the Catalog

  1. Click on Catalog in the left menu

  2. You will now see all the templates that are available to use

Team catalog

  1. Click on the k8s-deployment template


In the Info tab you'll see some information about the Chart like the version and additional instructions.

  1. Click on the Values tab


  1. Continue to create a workload