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Team Workloads

A Workload is a self-service feature for creating Kubernetes resources using Helm charts from the Catalog.

Workloads (all)

All Workloads of the team are listed here.

Team workloads

NameThe name of the workload
ArgocdLink to the Argo CD application in the Argo CD UI
Image update strategyThe configured update strategy for the workload
StatusThe status of the workload. Click on the Argo CD application link to see more status details

Create a Workload

Before creating a workload from the developer catalog, we'll need the repository and tag of the image you would like to use.

  1. Go to the list of Builds and add the repository of the build to use to your clipboard. Remember the tag.

  2. Go to Workloads in the left menu and click on Create Workload.

  3. Select a template from the catalog to use.

  4. Add a Name for the workload.

  5. (Optional) Configure the Auto image updater. Default is Disabled.

The Auto Image Updater will (based on the update strategy) automatically update the container images of a workload.

Select the update strategy. Choose between:

  • Digest: Inspects a single tag in the registry for changes, and updates the image on any change to the previous state. Requires to provide a repository and a tag.

  • Semver: Update based on semantic versions. Example: v1.0 would allow the image to be updated to any patch version within the 1.0 minor release.

There are 2 other properties available: imageParameter and tagParameter. Change the parameters in case your Helm application contains more than one image in the manifests or uses another parameters to define which image to render in the manifests.

  1. In the workload values, change the following parameters:
repository: <paste from clipboard>
tag: latest
  1. Click Submit.

After a few minutes, all the needed Argo CD resources (one applicationSet per Workload) to deploy your workload will be created. In the workloads list, click on the Application link of your workload to see the status of your workload.

The values of a workload can be changed at any time. Changes will automatically be deployed.